Dr Mark Paroli achieves certification in Hoya MiyoSmart

In the ever-changing landscape of eye care, staying up-to-date with the latest technology in slowing down Myopia is very important.

Dr. Mark Paroli, an Optometrist who specializes in Ocular prostheses and has a special interest in specialty contact lenses and myopia control achieved his MiyoSmart certification given by Hoya.

Myopia is a prevalent condition, and many eyecare practitioners and scientists have seen a rise in recent years.

Comprehensive management is required to address the increase in Myopia in children, and Hoya Miyosmart and its evidence-based results play a crucial role in the fight against high myopia.

The lens incorporates the DIMS technology, which is short for Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segment technology, which promises to reduce the progression of Myopia in children by up to 60%.

For more information about Hoya MiyoSmart, you can visit their website here Hoya MiyoSmart, or email info@solimanparolioptical.com

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