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“What is Dry Eye Syndrome?” by Dr Michael Paroli

Dry Eye Syndrome is a good topic nowadays, especially now that we are entering a more digitally inclined society where many workers are shifted to “Work From Home”, and many children and parents are now introduced to online classes. It’s important to discuss Dry Eye Syndrome because it is one of the symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome, or Digital Vision Syndrome, and the number of people with this condition may increase as our society becomes more digitally inclined.

In this article, Dr Michael Paroli, an Ophthalmologist, will discuss Dry Eye Syndrome, and made it easier for everyone to understand.

Question #1: What is dry eye syndrome?

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Dry eye syndrome is a common eye problems encountered in the eye clinic. It is a condition in which there is a disruption of tear-film (compose of lipid, aqueous and mucin) that lubricates the eye in order to keep the cornea and conjunctiva healthy. When the tear film is unstable, it can lead to symptoms like irritation, reflex tearing, and sometimes intermittent blurring of vision.

Other symptoms of dry eye include
Foreign body sensation
Increase blink rate
Eye fatigue

Question #2: How can you get a dry eye?

There are multiple factors that can cause dry eye and most of them causes tear-film instability. Example of these includes:
1.     Aging
2.     Pregnancy
3.     Inflammation ocular conditions
4.     Exposure to chemicals 
5.     Windy or hot environment
6.     Use of contact lenses (particularly soft)
7.     Diabetes

Question #4: If not treated, What complications can dry eye syndrome leads to?

Tears function not only lubricate the cornea and conjunctiva. It also helps wash away dirt and even kill some bacteria in the eye. A poor-quality tear-film can increase the chance of bacterial infection in the cornea and conjunctiva.

Tear contributes to the optical clarity of the eye. A poor tear-film can cause fluctuating  vision  and in severe cases may even cause blindness.

Question #5: What is an eye doctor’s role in treating dry eye syndrome?

The eye doctor will try to determine the severity of dry eye and give appropriate artificial tears or lubricants to improve the sign and symptoms. They will also educate patients regarding factors that can contribute to dry eye. It is important to visit your eye doctor to properly diagnosis dry eye syndrome.


About Dr. Michael Paroli

Dr Michael Paroli is the 2nd oldest among the Paroli Brothers. He is both an Optometrist and an Ophthalmologist and is currently based in Pampanga. He was top 3 during the 2009 Optometrist Licensure Exam, aside from Optometry and Ophthalmology, Dr Michael Paroli has special interest in the field of research.


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