What is Orthokeratology?

There are different options for nearsighted people in the Philippines. One of them is OrthoK.

Here are some Frequently asked questions about Ortho-K and why you should consider Orthokeratology.

What is Orthokeratology?

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Orthokeratology or OrthoK is the process where a specially made Contact Lens is worn overnight before sleeping, and then removed after sleeping for 6 to 8 hours with clearer and functional vision all-day with no Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses. 

How does the Orthokeratology Lens improve your vision all day?

The OrthoK lenses are specially designed to temporarily change the shape of the front most part of your Cornea. The back surface of the lens flattens your Cornea safely while you are asleep and wearing them.

Note that Ortho-K doesn’t do any permanent change in your Cornea, and only a small part of the Cornea is reshaped, the reshaping is so small, it’s actually measured in “Microns”, significantly smaller than the smallest line in our everyday ruler.  

Is the Vision Exam for OrthoK the same as the usual Soft Contact Lenses?


No. Unlike the usual soft contact lenses, we will need to get a good map of your cornea using a special machine called “Corneal Topographer”, afterwards, a Corneal assessment will be done by an Eye Care Practitioner to make sure the Corneas are healthy.

Afterwards, a series of Trial Lenses will be tried by the patient, and lastly, a thorough vision exam will be done.

Are there any Surgeries Involved?

 No. This fitting process is purely non-surgical.  

What if my prescription is still changing?

The great thing about Ortho-K is that everything is temporary. If someone who uses Ortho-K finds out that their prescription starts changing, it can easily be fixed by ordering a new Lens that matches the person’s prescription.

Is Orthokeratology painful?

The user may feel some grittiness while wearing the Orthokeratology lens for a few minutes. It usually doesn’t exceed more than 10 minutes. It’s not pain, but just discomfort.

After that, the feeling gets better and better, up to the point where a person can perceive it as a natural feeling.   

Is the Orthokeratology Contact Lens safe to sleep in?

Unlike usual contact lenses, the Orthokeratology Lens is made of Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses, which makes the Lenses highly breathable, even when you wear them while sleeping, and your eyes closed. 

Also, there is no need to worry if the lenses will dry up. Technically, we’ll be using a Hard Contact Lens material, which will be designed after getting all the necessary parameters needed, especially the Corneal Topography.

Want to know more about Orthokeratology? Contact Us! We’d be happy to explain it further.


About the author:

Dr Mark Paroli is a board certified Optometrist in the Philippines with special interest in Ocular Prosthesis and Orthokeratology. He is an advocate of children with Low Vision and Myopia Management in children.