Orthokeratology is one option to not rely on Eyeglasses and Daytime Contact Lenses.

Orthokeratology is one option to not rely on Eyeglasses and Daytime Contact Lenses.

Orthokeratology, or Ortho-K, is a non-surgical way of being free from Eyeglasses and Daytime Contact Lenses. It is sometimes referred to as the Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT).

This treatment method employs a specially crafted Contact Lens to be worn during sleep and removed upon waking. Upon removal of the Ortho-K lenses, users enjoy improved vision without the need for eyeglasses or daytime contact lenses.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology aptly characterizes this procedure as "similar to orthodontics for your eyes" (American Academy of Ophthalmology 2018).

Distinguished from conventional daytime contact lenses, Ortho-K Lenses are uniquely designed for overnight use. These lenses work to correct vision during sleep by gently flattening the central part of the Cornea. Notably, these changes are temporary, safe, and painless, with corneal adjustments so minuscule that they measure less than 50 microns, smaller than a strand of hair. 

In summary:

  • The process is Non-surgical

  • It uses a specially made Contact Lens which is safe to use while sleeping

  • Upon removing the Contact Lens after waking up, you are expected to see clearer without glasses and daytime contact lenses. 

First time to hear about Ortho-K? Visit us at our clinic! Consultation is free!

For inquiries, contact 09175141386 or click here to contact us.

How does Orthokeratology work? Next >>


American Academy of Ophthalmology. 2018. What is Orthokeratology. september 13. aao.org/eye-health/glasses-contacts/what-is-orthokeratology.

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